The Inbound Marketing is the publication of a product or business by adding relevant thing and content to it. In this type of marketing, the product is introduced to the market through blogs, SEO, social media, and channels. This type of marketing is very low cost. The attention of the potential customers and clients is automatically grabbed by this type of marketing. The people just have to search on Google for the name of the specific product and they will be guided to the inbound area of marketing. The people with similar interest are automatically recommended with the relevant blogs and channels.
Outbound Marketing is the publication of product or business by advertising of the product like in the old times. This type of marketing is done by giving ads in newspapers, radios, and commercials. This type of marketing is very costly and expensive. The company has to find the potential customers on their own. This type of marketing is a very hard thing and it is also very costly but most people prefer this type of marketing. The outcome of this is also very low and very hard. As the new generation is taking over, they are not only relying on just one of them instead they are marketing in both ways. They are blogging and are also commercially advertising their products.
In outbound, the customers just sit back while the company has to find them while in inbound, the customer finds about the company on its own and he/she also contacts on its own. In outbound, the company has to give ads in TV commercials, newspapers, radios, magazines etc while in inbound, the company has to provide the information on blogs, Channels, SEOs etc. Outbound is very costly marketing and it is also very less profitable while inbound is of very low cost and is much more profitable than outbound. People prefer outbound more than inbound.
There are many faults with Outbound Marketing. This type of marketing is going on for centuries but it yields very low cost but it is very high in cost. Most of the people prefer this type of marketing but they are just wasting their money because it gives the very low outcome. In this type of marketing, most of the work is done by the company itself. They have to find the customers on their own. They have to work much more than they are rewarded for.